Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunday, Sept. 11: Remember the victims of 9/11

DeWitt 9/11 memorial

Today marks the ten-year anniversary of a day that changed this country forever. Today, I dedicate this space to remembering those who perished as well as those who are still suffering the after-effects of that day.

We must never forget the courage we witnessed that day and in the trying days that followed. Rescue workers who toiled day and night to try and find survivors, people who dropped their lives and went to New York to help in whatever way that could, and the unity that we felt as a country for the first time in my lifetime.

Ten years have passed. We are all older and perhaps more jaded. Babies born to survivors' widows are now nine-years old. Children who were in grade school are now in college. Widows and widowers have found love again. Time passes and life goes on. But we will never be the same. We are all victims of that event and have coped in our own way. Take time today to reflect and remember.

Here's a link to some local remembrance ceremonies taking place today.


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Donna Reynolds has been blogging about entertainment in CNY since 2003, including a five year run on She is Central New York's most ardent entertainment cheerleader and her goal is to promote all the great entertainment this area has to offer. Be sure to check out the concert calendar for upcoming events, CNY Festivals and Events, and CNY Bands for links to all your favorite local groups. Hope you enjoy, and please tell your friends to check out this comprehensive source for Music in the 'Cuse! Follow Donna on Twitter - Music in the Cuse Donna's Facebook page Contact:

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